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What we do

We are driven by multiple goals- To provide psychological and financial supports to parents (low-earners); educational supports for deprived children (primary school age); dental care for teenagers (especially girl child); and care for the elderly.

Mentorship & Training

We help mentor, tutor and empower parents through vocational trainings, skills management and business funding aids for the purpose of family subsistence.

Financial Aid & Healthcare

We help secure financial aid for students for further education centered on academic excellence and other criteria and for healthcare for both adults & children.

Out-reach & Support

We help reach out to deprived or low income parents who need assistance for child education and healthcare.


We help organize seminars, offer counseling, rehabilitation, schools and hospitals renovation where required for the purpose of better life of the unit we support.

Mentorship & Training

We help mentor, tutor and empower parents through vocational trainings, skills management and business funding aids for the purpose of family subsistence.


We help organize seminars, offer counseling, rehabilitation, schools and hospitals renovation where required for the purpose of better life of the unit we support.

Financial Aid & Healthcare

We help secure financial aid for students for further education centered on academic excellence and other criteria and for healthcare for both adults & children.

Out-reach & Support

We help reach out to deprived or low income parents who need assistance for child education and healthcare.

About Us

Who We Are

KFAF (Kayode & Funmi Ajayi Foundation) was established for the purpose of providing compassionate community support for individuals and families by aiding and empowering them so that they are skillful to access the necessities of life.

The Team

Our board of Trustees

Support the goal

Since 2017 KFAF has served families in both rural-urban areas in Nigeria funded by donations locally and globally from individuals, businesses and religious institutions. 


If you want to make a donation or be a part of our support community kindly click the button below